
What To Use In Your 3d Model Of Animal Cell For Chromosomes

Cells are building blocks of life. Edifice a cell model should deepen your understanding of the prison cell, each organelle's role, and how they perform their job. Some organelles are constantly present in the jail cell. Some organelles are temporary and only present when cells perform a particular process such every bit mitosis. Therefore, nosotros have iv blog posts series to cover the model of animal cells undergoing different processes.

  • Creature Cell Model Office I – jail cell membrane, cytosol, nucleus, and mitochondria.
  • Animal Cell Model Office Two – endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome, Golgi apparatus, peroxisome, and lysosomes.
  • Animal Cell Model Office Three – two types of temporary organelles involving in eating behaviors, autophagosomes, and endosomes.
  • Animal Cell Model Office IV – two types of temporary organelles only appearing during mitosis, centrosomes, and chromosomes.
  • Plant Cell Model Role V – jail cell wall, vacuole, and chloroplast.
  • Cell Organelles and their Functions – overview of each organelle.

Design your own cell model projection

Have you ever seen these colorful cell models while you are browsing Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest? Of course, you tin purchase a plastic prison cell model online. However, I adopt to DIY my own unique version of the cell model that no one in the world will have the aforementioned design. It is time to be creative!


[In this figure] Various 3D prison cell models I saved on Pinterest.

The rational of choosing materials

I personally saved a lot of pictures of these very dainty models that I institute and I hope one twenty-four hours I tin make my ain version of the 3D cell model. Some of them are made of clay or styrofoam. Some of them are fabricated of recycled cardboard and old toys. Some of them are edible and made of cakes, candies, and even pizza!

Of no doubt that all these cell models are beautiful and educational. This makes me wonder how I can add creative ideas into my original version of the cell model and make it stand out.

I am going to teach you "Cell Biology" on the dining tabular array

Edifice a cell model should deepen your agreement of the jail cell. The key step of making your own cell model is picking the materials that represent different organelles (like nucleus and mitochondria). It's too important to understand the functions of each organelle and how they piece of work together inside the jail cell.

My thought is to brand an edible cell model with food items I already have in my house. More importantly, I want to choose the nutrient (near of them are fruits and vegetables) based on its "scientific significant" that represents the biological function of that particular organelle.


[In this figure] A adjacent comparison of the jail cell diagram I drew and the prison cell model I fabricated.
Left: the brute cell with many kinds of organelles. Each organelle performs its unique and critical function for the survival of the prison cell as a whole. We will cover all these organelles in these series of manufactures. Correct: my first version of the "Edible Cell Model". Can you guess what materials I utilize?

In this article, I am going to show you how I build my prison cell model step-by-step. At the same time, I volition explain to yous the biological science of these organelles and the reason why I cull, for example, the ruby tomato for representing mitochondria.

Cell membrane – a airship filled with water

Our cell is literally a balloon filled with water (70% of our trunk weight is water). This soft merely tough balloon is made by the prison cell membrane (also known as the plasma membrane). The cell membrane is a biological membrane that separates the interior of cells from the outside space and protects the cell from its environment.


[In this figure] The prison cell membrane defines the inside and outside spaces of a prison cell.

The cell membrane is made past two layers of lipid films (oil molecules) with many kinds of proteins inserted. It controls the movement of molecules such as water, ions, nutrients, and oxygen in and out of the prison cell. In add-on, the cell membrane besides involves in jail cell movement and the communication between cells. Plant cells have an additional layer of cell wall effectually the cell membrane.


[In this figure] The cell membrane is made of two lipid films, chosen lipid bilayer.

The reason why using assistant

I use banana peels equally the cell membrane in my prison cell model. The banana peel, literally, is the outer skin covering of the banana fruit, whose function is like to the cell membrane. In fact, banana peels are very nutritious and can be candy to feed animals and manufactured to produce ethanol.


[In this figure] I cutting the banana skin into strips (i-two) and accommodate them into a circle to stand for my prison cell membrane (three).

Past the way, the reason why a banana peel is and so slippery is because of a layer of a lubricating substance called polysaccharide follicular gel produced by the banana fruit. Some single-prison cell microorganisms (similar ciliates) can as well produce like materials around their cell membrane to help them motion or swim.

Cytosol – the mysterious cellular soup

The cytosol is like condensed soup within the cell. It is a complex mixture of all kinds of substances dissolved in water. You can notice small molecules like ions (sodium, potassium, or calcine), amino acids, nucleotides (the bones units of Dna), lipids, sugars, and large macromolecules such as proteins and RNA.

The cytosol is not a uniform pool. In fact, the concentration of a particular substance tin can vary a lot in dissimilar sub-regions of cytosol.

Even more surprisingly, there is a highway system within the cytosol, called the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton is a dynamic network built by interlinking protein filaments. Its network reaches every inch within the cells. Once a portion of the cytoskeleton contracts or extends, it deforms the cells and allows cells to change their shapes and movement.

Amoeba Pseudopod

[In this effigy] Amoeba is an first-class example of how cells employ the cytoskeleton to move.

Moreover, the cytoskeleton serves as an intracellular transportation organisation. There is a group of "motor proteins" that tin bear cargos while walking along the cytoskeleton. A variety of intracellular cargoes, including proteins, RNAs, vesicles, and even unabridged organelles, can move around in a cell by sitting on these motor proteins.

[In this video] An animation showing that the motor protein (Kinesin) carries cargo and walks on the cytoskeleton of the microtubule.

The reason why information technology is empty

To go on it simple, the empty space in my cell model belongs to the cytosol.

To clarify, the cytoplasm is all of the material within a cell, enclosed by the jail cell membrane, except for the prison cell nucleus. Therefore, the cytoplasm includes the cytosol and all the organelles.

Nucleus – the encephalon of the prison cell

The key characteristic that separates us (eukaryotic cells, include all the animals and plants) from bacteria (prokaryotic cells) is the nucleus. The nucleus (pl. nuclei) is a membrane-spring organelle that stores most of our genetic information (in the form of Deoxyribonucleic acid). In contrast, the Deoxyribonucleic acid is located in the cytoplasm of bacteria, which are lack of any membrane-bound organelle.

Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic cells

[In this figure] Eukaryotic cells five.s. Prokaryotic cell

Our genes are written as the genetic codes (A, T, Yard, C) in the DNA. The gene is a blueprint for making a protein. Inside the nucleus, a process that makes copies of a certain cistron in the form of massager RNAs (mRNAs), called transcription. These mRNAs will be exported outside of the nucleus for the ribosomes to make proteins.


[In this effigy] The decryption of genetic codes involves two steps: (1) Transcription – from DNA to mRNA, happens inside the nuclei; and (ii) Translation – from mRNA to protein, occurs in ribosomes. (Source: khan academy)

If y'all stretch all the Dna from a unmarried jail cell into a linear thread, it can be every bit long as iii meters (or x feet) long. It is incredible how the cell can pack entire Deoxyribonucleic acid into a tiny nucleus (normally the diameter of a nucleus is less than 2-three micrometers; one micrometer = 0.000001 meters). Near of the fourth dimension, we can non come across the DNA molecules under a regular calorie-free microscope.


[In this figure] Although nosotros can't encounter a single DNA thread, we can stain the total Deoxyribonucleic acid by Methylene Blueish to visualize the nuclei. These are my cheek cells. You can stain and come across your own cell nuclei by post-obit this guide.


[In this figure] The relationship between DNA, cistron, chromosome, nucleus, and cell.

All our genes (chosen the genome) are located on 46 pieces of long DNA threads. When the jail cell prepares for dividing, each DNA thread will be organized with special proteins, called histones, to form chromosomes (at present could be visible with proper staining). We have 23 pairs of chromosomes (one-22, X, and Y), and the number will be doubled right earlier the cell division.


[In this figure] 23 pairs of homo (male) chromosomes by a microscopic technique called Giemsa banding (G-banding) karyotype.

During division, the membrane of the nucleus (chosen the nuclear envelope) will temporally disappear. The duplicated chromosomes will be pulled toward the opposite ends of the cell by centrosomes to form two daughter nuclei. And so, the balance of the cell likewise dissever into two daughter cells, each with one nucleus.


[In this figure] Mitosis in animate being cells.
The eggs of parasitic nematodes, Ascaris, are a good specimen to study mitosis in animate being cells. Their chromosomes are easily visible under a light microscope.

The reason why using avocado seed

What could be a good substitute for the nucleus in my jail cell model? I happen to accept my favorite avocado toast as breakfast this morning, so why not recycle the avocado seed.

A seed, which carries all the genetic information and can grow into an entirely new plant, is, to some extent, like the nucleus.

Practise you call up the cloned sheep "Dolly"? In fact, the scientists took the nucleus from a mature cell (which provide the genetic material) and planted the nucleus into an oocyte with its own nucleus removed (which provide the cytosol and other organelles). Later on several months, a sheep chosen "Dolly" was built-in with an identical genome of the nuclear donor.

Growing Avocado From Seed

[In this figure] A common technique to germinate avocados at dwelling is to poke the avocado with toothpicks and go out information technology partially submerged in indirect light. Source:

The avocado seed is a hard, massive core in the heart of the fruit, just like the nucleus in a prison cell. If you manage to cut an avocado seed in half, you can encounter a white core enclosed by a sparse shell. I like to imagine that the beat out is a nuclear envelope, and the white core is a mass of DNA.


[In this effigy] Avocado five.s. Cell nucleus.
The left image is an avocado fruit cut in half. You tin see a massive seed in the center. The run into is protected by a layer of hard skin, called the endocarp. The bulk middle part we swallow is mesocarp. The outer layer, called the exocarp, is the official name of the fruit skin or rind.
The right prototype is a cell nucleus. The nucleus is divisional past ii layers of membrane, called the nuclear envelope. There are many nuclear pores on the envelope to allow the trafficking of molecules. The nucleolus is where the ribosomes are produced.

In addition to avocado seed, I think of the mushroom every bit a skilful representative for a cell nucleus. Why? because the mushroom is rich in Deoxyribonucleic acid.

Take you heard of "Gout"? A gout is a grade of arthritis with symptoms like astringent pain, redness, and tenderness in joints. Patients with gout are told to avoid food (like mushrooms) with high purines. The purines will be metabolized in our body to uric acids. Too many uric acids volition course crystals in the joints and crusade the pain. Purine is part of the DNA molecule, and the purines in foods indeed come from the nuclei.


[In this figure] Pace-by-step breakdown of DNA molecules.
Yous must hear that DNA is a double helix. The double helix tin can form because the genetic lawmaking sequences on each half are perfectly complementary. "A" always pairs with "T" and "Chiliad" ever pairs with "C". At the atomic scale, you can see the complementary match happens between the "Nitrogenous bases" of each nucleotide unit.


[In this figure] Purines and pyrimidines are ii kinds of nitrogenous bases in our DNA and RNA molecules.

Mitochondria – the prison cell's powerhouses

Mitochondria (singular: mitochondrion) are rod-shaped organelles that are considered the power generators of the cell. During the process of cellular respiration, mitochondria convert glucose and oxygen to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the biochemical energy "currency" of the cell to do any other activities.

The numbers of mitochondria can reflect the energy need of the cell type. For instance, heart muscles host more mitochondria in order to power the heart bumping. On the other hand, our cherry-red claret cells lose their mitochondria also as nuclei so that they can acquit more oxygen.

Two unique features of mitochondria

Mitochondria are unique and quite different from other organelles in two fundamental aspects. These two features also reveal where the mitochondria came from.

Two layers of membranes

First, mitochondria take double layers of the membrane: outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) and inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). Betwixt the OMM and IMM is the intermembrane space. The region inside the inner membrane is chosen the matrix.


[In this figure] Microanatomy of mitochondria.
Left: Ii layers of mitochondrial membrane (OMM and IMM) separate the intermembrane space and the matrix. Inside the matrix, you can find mitochondria's own Dna (mtDNA) and ribosomes (mitoribosomes).
Correct: Mitochondria under the transmission electron microscope (TEM). The folds of IMM, chosen cristae, are the near credible structure to identify mitochondria.

The double-layered structure is critical for the powerhouse function of mitochondria. In fact, the mitochondria generate ATP like a hydraulic dam. At the IMM, there is a fix of proteins that assemble into an free energy generator chosen electron transport chain.

In the first three steps of electron transport, these proteins bump the protons (H+; the hydrogen ion subsequently losing its electron) from the matrix to intermembrane space. Over time, this builds up a proton gradient across IMM. Then, at the concluding step, all the protons flow through a protein complex called ATP synthase, which acts equally a turbine generator. ATP synthase uses the energy of proton flux to convert ADP into ATP.


[In this figure] Electron transport chain.
The ATP generation happens on the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). First, protons (H+) are bumped across IMM into intermembrane space to build up a proton slope. Then, the ATP synthase uses the energy of proton influx to drive the chemic conversion of ADP to high-energy ATP. During this process, at that place are ii electrons (e-), which transferred between protein complexes, and then-chosen electron send chain.

Mitochondria have their ain Dna

2d, mitochondria are the just organelles that have their own DNA other than the nucleus (in plant cells, chloroplasts have their own DNA, too). Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is circular (very similar to the bacterial Deoxyribonucleic acid) and stored in the matrix. Compared to nuclear DNA, mitochondrial Deoxyribonucleic acid is much shorter, encoding only thirteen genes. These thirteen genes are coded for making the components of the electron send concatenation that we mentioned above.

Endosymbiotic theory

Scientists believe mitochondria are derived from the leaner that were engulfed past the early on ancestors of today'southward eukaryotic cells. This theory is called the endosymbiotic theory.

Effectually ane.5 billion years agone, some prokaryotes incorporated other prokaryotes into their cells. These incorporated prokaryotes so lost their ability to live independently and become integrated every bit function of the hosts. They later became specialized in specific functions, such equally energy production in both mitochondria and chloroplasts.

Mitochondria appear to be related to Rickettsiales proteobacteria, and chloroplasts appear to be related to nitrogen-fixing filamentous cyanobacteria. Both mitochondria and chloroplasts nevertheless continue their ain DNA to make some of their proteins, but the majority of their proteins nonetheless require nuclear Deoxyribonucleic acid from the host cells.

endosymbiosis theory

[In this figure] Overview of the process of endosymbiosis. Source:

The double layers of mitochondrial membranes are some other bear witness of endosymbiotic origin. The IMM could be the original membrane of the engulfed bacterium. The OMM was the remained vesicle when the host cell incorporated the bacterium. The engulfing process is similar to "phagocytosis" of Amoeba.

Amoeba phagocytosis

[In this effigy] Phagocytosis of Amoeba cell.

The IMM forms many folds chosen cristae. The cristae profoundly increase the expanse of IMM to allow greater capacity for ATP generation. The cristae are the fundamental feature for scientists to identify mitochondria under an electron microscope and a must-have feature in every drawing of mitochondria.

The reason why using cherry-red tomato

All things considered, I choose cherry tomato to correspond mitochondria in my jail cell model. They are both rod-shaped. The fiery cherry-red color of cherry-red tomato conveys an energetic paradigm of the cell's powerhouse. More than chiefly, the slices of cherry love apple also prove internal folds, just like the cristae within the mitochondria.


[In this figure] Cherry tomato represents the mitochondria in my cell model.


Voila! We got to acquire the function of the cell membrane, cytosol, nucleus, and mitochondria this week.

Cell membrane

The cell membrane is composed of 2 layers of lipid films (oil molecules) with many kinds of proteins inserted. It separates the cells from the exterior environs.


The cytosol is the substance within the cells except for the nucleus and organelles. It is a mixture of proteins, irons, amino acids, and small molecules. Because there is so much stuff in it, you tin can imagine that it is like condensed soup.


The nucleus is the place where the genome is. i.e. the place to store an organism's genetic information. Its role is similar the "brain" of the prison cell considering information technology instructs and coordinates the part of different organelles.


Mitochondria are rod-shaped organelles that are considered the power generators of the cell. It generates ATP, a currency of the cellular energy.

Woo-hoo, side by side week, we are going to encompass Endoplasmic reticulum, Ribosome, Golgi apparatus, Peroxisome, and Lysosomes! Stay tuned!

Related posts

Beast Prison cell Model Part II – endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome, Golgi apparatus, peroxisome, and lysosomes.

Animal Cell Model Role III – two types of temporary organelles involving in eating behaviors, autophagosomes, and endosomes.

Animal Cell Model Office Iv – ii types of temporary organelles merely appearing during mitosis, centrosomes, and chromosomes.

Plant Cell Model Part V – cell wall, vacuole, and chloroplast.

Cell Organelles and their Functions – overview of each organelle.


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